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  • In Christian marriage, spouses are called to reflect the love and self-giving of Christ. By offering themselves in service to one another, their family, and their community, they help each other grow in discipleship, love, and service. Marriage creates a firm foundation for building a family rooted in community, solidarity, and the mission of Jesus in the world.

    Christ revealed the full meaning of marriage, especially highlighted in the Gospel of John, where His first miracle takes place at the wedding in Cana. The Church views Jesus' presence at this event as a powerful affirmation of the goodness of marriage. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church explains, “She sees in it the confirmation of the goodness of marriage and the proclamation that thenceforth marriage will be an efficacious sign of Christ’s presence” (CCC 1613).

    This reaffirms that Christian marriage is not only a human union but a sacrament filled with divine grace, where Christ is continually present, guiding and blessing the couple's life together.

  • We are delighted to accompany you as you prepare for the beautiful sacrament of marriage! This guide will answer common questions and help you think about important considerations as you plan your wedding.

    What is unique about Catholic marriage?

    Through their marriage, a couple becomes a living witness to Christ's spousal love for the Church. This profound truth is expressed in one of the Nuptial Blessings during the wedding liturgy: "Father, you have made the union of man and wife so holy a mystery that it symbolizes the marriage of Christ and his Church." The Sacrament of Marriage is more than just a contract; it is a covenant—a deep, personal relationship between two people. A covenant signifies a lasting commitment between the husband and wife, who are called to enter into a permanent union where they can truly know and love each other, as well as God.

    Is marriage preparation required?
    Yes, and it’s a wonderful opportunity to deepen your understanding of this sacred commitment! Since marriage is a sacrament, we take time to honor and value it by providing meaningful preparation. All Cathedral parishioners start with an interview with a priest or deacon, followed by participation in an approved marriage preparation program. Couples from other parishes will complete preparation with their officiating priest or deacon.

    Are there guidelines for planning the ceremony and music?
    Absolutely! You’ll have the opportunity to personalize your wedding by choosing the Scripture readings and other options from the Church’s official Ritual Book. We also encourage you to collaborate with our Music Director to ensure your wedding music aligns with the Cathedral’s guidelines, creating a beautiful and meaningful atmosphere.

    How do we schedule our wedding at the Cathedral?
    It’s easy! Once you’ve reached out to our parish office, you’ll be invited to meet with a priest to discuss your wedding, and once confirmed, the date will be finalized. If you’re inviting a guest priest or deacon, we will confirm the date once permission is granted by the Cathedral Rector.

    Please remember: Before making other arrangements—like booking a reception venue or hiring a photographer—finalize your wedding date with the Cathedral.

    To begin the process, please call or email the parish office at:

    (250) 388-5571


  • Who can get married at St. Andrew's Cathedral?
    We warmly welcome couples who are registered parishioners of the Cathedral Parish to celebrate their wedding here. The Catholic Church treasures the celebration of sacraments within your community of faith. However, exceptions are possible! For example, couples from other parishes in the Diocese may choose the Cathedral as their venue, with their home parish priest officiating the ceremony.

    Who can officiate at weddings at the Cathedral?
    Weddings are typically officiated by the Rector or priests and deacons associated with the Cathedral. If you have a close priest or deacon friend, we are happy to accommodate them, with permission, to officiate your wedding. Couples from other parishes should contact their home parish priest for guidance on officiating.

    Can someone who has been married before get married in the Catholic Church?
    Marriage is a lifelong commitment in the Catholic Church. However, we recognize that some situations require special consideration. If this applies to you, we encourage you to meet with a priest as early as possible to explore the steps needed to move forward.

    When are weddings typically celebrated at the Cathedral?
    Saturdays are the most common day for weddings, and we are unable to host weddings on Sundays. While Lent is a solemn time in the Church and not a usual time for weddings, we encourage you to speak with the priest if your plans include this season.

    Can weddings be celebrated during Mass?
    Yes, but it depends on the couple’s faith background. If both parties are Catholic, the wedding is often celebrated during Mass. However, weddings can also be celebrated as a Liturgy of the Word, which may be more suitable for interfaith couples.


"The love of husband and wife is the force that welds society together."

- St. John Chrysostom

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